Care for the environment
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is considered to be the prime cause for global warming. Cargo transport is held up to be one of the major sources of carbon emissions, causing almost one quarter of the carbon emissions in Europe. Due to the strategic situation of Bulgaria, as a gate to Europe, cargo transport causes greater than the expected amount of air and environment pollution in Bulgaria.
Taking into account the anticipated development of this sector in the following decades, we shall inevitably encounter the need to use more ecologically clean type of transport, which is, in particular, the railroad transport.
A neutral benchmark analysis of the polluting emissions generated by the different types of cargo transport using the innovative Tremod equipment of the IFEU Institute created in Heidelberg University in 2003 indicates that the combined type of transport and in particular the railroad transport saves 53 g of СО2 emissions per ton kilometer as compared to the road transport. This analysis points out the railroad transport as the most ecological type of transport, moreover, the results apply not only for the saving of carbon emissions but are also true for nitrogen and hydrocarbon oxides, and for energy consumption too
Taking into account the anticipated development of this sector in the following decades, we shall inevitably encounter the need to use more ecologically clean type of transport, which is, in particular, the railroad transport.
A neutral benchmark analysis of the polluting emissions generated by the different types of cargo transport using the innovative Tremod equipment of the IFEU Institute created in Heidelberg University in 2003 indicates that the combined type of transport and in particular the railroad transport saves 53 g of СО2 emissions per ton kilometer as compared to the road transport. This analysis points out the railroad transport as the most ecological type of transport, moreover, the results apply not only for the saving of carbon emissions but are also true for nitrogen and hydrocarbon oxides, and for energy consumption too
Noise in the air
The public expects that railroad transport will reduce noise. The traction and rolling stock that Pimk Rail EAD uses fully complies with the latest European requirements for noise reduction in the air.
The modern wagons used by PIMK RAIL EAD are equipped with brake systems that lower the noise in the air by 10 decibels which brings great benefit to society.
The use of modern vehicles for transportation – environment friendly and sparing - is a milestone in PIMK RAIL philosophy.
The modern wagons used by PIMK RAIL EAD are equipped with brake systems that lower the noise in the air by 10 decibels which brings great benefit to society.
The use of modern vehicles for transportation – environment friendly and sparing - is a milestone in PIMK RAIL philosophy.